From Pushkin to Gagarin
The once popular bimetallic commemorative 10-ruble coins are now fading into the background. For some…

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Commemorative coins of the Republic of Belarus
The commemorative coins of the state of the Republic of Belarus are the official commemorative…


Without coins
Starting from the 12th century, and then almost for almost three hundred years, there was…

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Value of the CBR coins
Numismatics is the meaning of life of a large number of people. The Bank of…

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production of coins

Coins of the island of Svalbard

A little story of a small place. Svalbard is a set of islands that are located in the area of ​​the Arctic Ocean. In 1920, these islands joined Norway. At that time, Norway was referred to as the Kingdom of Norway. A little later, in 1932, the USSR were able to rent a number of islands. In particular, this concerned two villages – the Pyramid and Barentsburg. These villages were of interest to the Soviet Union, since there was a very large coal deposit there. And the infrastructure was built in the form of fairly modern mines.

Coal mining was entrusted to a state-owned company called Arktikugol. Recall that in the Soviet Union there were no private companies, only state-owned. Continue reading

Coins of the USSR and Russia

Numismatics (a hobby for collecting coins) is considered one of the most popular hobbies in the world. It would seem that there is difficult to collect coins? There are many, different types, not difficult to get. Apparently, therefore, many are beginning to engage in precisely this type of collectibles. But the fact that the coins are not difficult to collect, you can only tell an amateur, not an experienced person. A professional numismatist will explain to you all the aspects and difficulties of collecting coins for your collection.

Native – closest. Our compatriots from the category of numismatists love to collect old coins of Soviet times, as well as tsarist Russia. Continue reading

The first banknotes of the Northern Black Sea coast

In the early stages, after the settlement of settlements by Greek colonists in the Northern Black Sea region, exchange and trade with local tribes were conducted by means of “barter” or without a monetary exchange. And with the development of commodity relations, the functions of money began to perform common, necessary – but valuable goods. For example: arrowheads, glass beads, bracelets, rings – used for small calculations. And for large transactions – products made of precious metals, cattle, horses, slaves.

The oldest, home-denomination banknotes or “pra-monetas” of the Northern Black Sea region are coins-arrows, the shape of an arrowhead, with a broken off sharp end and without an opening for an arrow tree. Continue reading

Coin Albums
Many numismatists with a sense of satisfaction recall the old days when, when they were…


Medicine on coins and bons
Medicine has almost always been in any state on one of the first places, and…


The largest mints of the USSR
With the emergence of the Soviet Union, or rather, with its unification of individual republics,…
