Recovery of monetary business in Russia
After a rather long period of coin-less commodity circulation, in 1380 under the Grand Duke…

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Western coins in the territory of Russia
From the middle of the tenth century, the mass distribution of silver coins of Western…


A set of jubilee coins dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812
Nothing can so please the present coin collector, as a new coin in its collection,…

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Rare coins of Russia
ussia has gone through a long history of development, which is reflected in the coins.…

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The largest mints of the USSR

With the emergence of the Soviet Union, or rather, with its unification of individual republics, a new problem emerged, which was where exactly it was necessary to mint coins, make memorable signs, and so on. However, soon a solution was found, and it was that the production of insignia, as well as metal money, would be distributed between the country’s largest mint yards – the St. Petersburg Mint, the Moscow Mint and the Kiev Mint.

St. Petersburg Mint was one of the largest mints, not only in the Soviet Union, but throughout the world. Not only coins were minted here, but also insignia, orders, badges, medals and so on were made. The mint was founded by Peter the Great, back in 1724, but in spite of this it still functions today. Quite a lot of tourists each year come to St. Petersburg specifically to visit the Mint. Anyone can visit it, but it’s not so interesting to come to the Northern Capital for one day, a better option would be to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg, and in a few days, explore all the sights of the city.

The Moscow Mint is today one of the actively functioning mints of the Russian Federation. He is engaged in the manufacture of coins, whether ordinary or commemorative, as well as state medals, orders and other awards. In addition, the Moscow Mint constantly performs many foreign orders. For example, most modern Indian coins are minted here. The history of coinage in Moscow is several centuries, but the establishment of a modern enterprise took place only at the end of April 1942. At the Moscow Mint, a sufficiently large number of various state awards and commemorative coins were minted, for example, part of a series of coins in honor of the 1980 Olympic Games. The building of the Moscow Mint houses a museum, which is a great source of knowledge for any collector who works with items such as coins, medals, badges, and so on. Do not forget that Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation, and here there is a huge number of various monuments, museums and exhibitions, so if you rent an apartment in Moscow, you can easily get acquainted with the cultural life of this metropolis.

The Kiev Mint Banknote also took an active part in the minting of coins and the manufacture of memorable signs, such as medals, badges, and so on. It is also worth noting that of the listed mints, the Kiev Banknote and Mint is the oldest, since it has been functioning since the times of Kievan Rus, although it has been updated many times with unrecognizability. And here, as well as in the two above-listed mints, there is a museum where you can see the manufactured products with your own eyes. Do not forget that Kiev is a great cultural center, where you can find many cultural and historical attractions, so you will probably have to rent an apartment in Kiev to explore them all.

Thus, the aforementioned mints played a fairly large role in shaping the economy of the Soviet Union, since the manufactured bull was necessary, and only awaited its heroes.

Coin collecting as a hobby
Modern collectors collect various items. Some collect stamps, others - coins, and there are those…


Coins of Ivan the Terrible
A small miniature from the Russian annals of the 17th century depicts the process of…


First counterfeiters
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