Coins of three eras and their manufacturing techniques
It happens that determining the place and specific time of minting coins of medieval Russia…

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Coins of Alexander of Macedon
The great victories of Alexander the Great were nothing more than an era of transition…


The oldest coins of Russia
Trade relations in Ancient Russia emanated entirely from foreign coins, first East European, and then…

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Find your coin
Today, it is probably difficult to find a person on the planet who would not…

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History of tokens

Tokens have a rather interesting story. They have at all times been used as support for real currency. But in itself, a token is considered “non-currency”. Let’s dive into history and look at the development of the token industry in the world.

The very word “token” came from the French “jeton”. These tokens were used as “tickets”, funds for obtaining any specific goods or services. This, in any case, was not full money.

The material from which the tokens were made was always changed. Initially, tokens were made of metal, then they decided to reduce the cost. They even made paper, but this was not very effective. The paper immediately discredited itself as a not very reliable material for the production of tokens. Nowadays, almost all types of such “coins” are made exclusively from plastic. The best stuff. It is inexpensive, corrosion and decomposition is not subject.

For a modern person, the concept of “token” immediately suggests thoughts about slot machines, subways, access systems in various institutions, etc. That is, we sort of “pay” with them, but at the same time, a token is not a currency. If we pay them for the metro, then we will not be able to buy cucumbers on the market.

As for the numismatic value of tokens, then it also exists – in the form of jubilee tokens. This is the same as the jubilee coins, just a little different quality. Although there are tokens of gold and silver. Such a view is of great value for a coin collector.

Different types
And so, now move on to collecting tokens. What they are, and what attracts coin collectors the most?

Metro tokens have always been the most popular among the population. Indeed, in any big city where there is a metro, every day such tokens bought several million pieces. But, in our time, all the metros of the world are gradually moving to a card fare. Therefore, tokens become rare and, because of this, increase their historical value. If you want to do collecting metro tokens in Russia, then we advise you to start in 1935. Then you can collect a truly outstanding collection.

There is a type of tokens like tokens. What is it? In fact, a token is a token with more authority. Token could fulfill the role of money. Therefore, they were often issued by banks and other financial institutions. But it often happened that a private enterprise could issue its tokens in order to solve the problem of salary payment.

The most famous case of the use of tokens is the colonies of England, France, Portugal, Spain. The fact is that the conquerors did not take with them piles of their own currency. And to take her to a new place was quite a long and risky business. Therefore, in the territories of the colonies were issued their own, “almost coins.”

Oddly enough, but collecting tokens and tokens is not an easy task. Even harder than collecting coins.

Initially, you should decide on the direction that you want to use as a collectible object. If it seems to you that you can cover all topics, then you are deeply mistaken. After all, only one metro tokens tens of thousands around the world in the history of the metro. And how many different tokens? After all, the number of colonies, banks and enterprises is simply an accrued amount throughout the world.

Moreover, you cannot just collect tokens and tokens. It is necessary to systematize your collection. And it can take a lot of time and effort. Also, the price for very rare exhibits can be very high.

Therefore, our advice to you, select one niche and try to collect it as fully as possible.

Coins of Alexander of Macedon
The great victories of Alexander the Great were nothing more than an era of transition…


Peter I reform
Everyone knows that Peter the Great was a great reformer. Among his innovations, we can…


The history of coinage of antique coins
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