Rare coins of Russia
ussia has gone through a long history of development, which is reflected in the coins.…

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Coin Cabinet
Have you ever thought, respected coin collectors and just collectors, over where is the largest…


Golden profile of Nicholas II. Last coins of the last king
The tradition of portrait gold and silver coins was renewed under Nicholas II. The last…

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Monetary reform of 1654
In the 17th century, the epoch in monetary business ended, when absolutely any individual, which…

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perhaps because

Coins of Ivan the Terrible

A small miniature from the Russian annals of the 17th century depicts the process of making coins. From this it is known that silver billets were first smelted in a crucible, and then they were minted, holding the hot billet in special tongs. The big omission on the part of the chronicler is the moment that he did not show how to drag the wire, cut it and plyuschat to get blanks.

Before the reform, two types of money were minted – Novgorod money and Moscow money. Continue reading

Features storage collections of coins and stamps
Among other types of collecting, collecting coins is among the most complex and costly. Initially,…


The oldest coins of Russia
Trade relations in Ancient Russia emanated entirely from foreign coins, first East European, and then…


Valuable coins of the era of Paul the First
Despite the fact that there is an enormous amount of coins all over the world,…
