Gold coin collecting
Since ancient times, gold coins are a unique collectible item. You can browse through many…

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The first banknotes of the Northern Black Sea coast
In the early stages, after the settlement of settlements by Greek colonists in the Northern…


Valuable coins of the era of Paul the First
Despite the fact that there is an enormous amount of coins all over the world,…

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Coins of Queen Victoria and the dynasty of her court medalists
On January 2, 1901, at the turn of the two greatest in the history of…

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two-headed eagle

A set of jubilee coins dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812

Nothing can so please the present coin collector, as a new coin in its collection, and even better, if it will be a whole album of commemorative coins. However, if some large anniversaries are still far away, and some have already passed a long time ago, then it is probably worth remembering that this, 2012, is the two hundred year anniversary of such a great event as the Patriotic War of 1812.

Most firms and companies are constantly competing with each other, trying to sell coins. Which do not have any relation to the coins dedicated to this anniversary, and are what are called self-bred, which will be ashamed to even show to other collectors of coin collectors. Continue reading

Valuable coins of the era of Paul the First

Despite the fact that there is an enormous amount of coins all over the world, it is the coins of pre-revolutionary Russia that deserve a lot of attention, differing not only in the fact that almost all of them are preserved and have reached us in perfect condition, but also in the fact that each of these coins has its own story. Nevertheless, you should certainly pay attention to the coins of the epoch of Paul the First, which are distinguished, apart from their great diversity, also by great rarity.

One of the first coins, on which I would like to draw the attention of coin collectors and collectors, is a coin worth 1 ruble of the 1796 sample. Continue reading

Rare coins of Russia

ussia has gone through a long history of development, which is reflected in the coins. For coins, it is quite easy to study the history of the country, as they depicted portraits of prominent people, state symbols, various attributes that characterize the era and historical facts. Coins of the USSR have a great cultural value. In Russia, the first pennies appeared in 1553. At first they were silver coins, and then they were made of copper and bronze.

One of the rarest coins in Russia is a copper penny. This coin is the decoration of any collection. It was made in 1726 by a special technology and had a square shape. Continue reading

Medicine on coins and bons
Medicine has almost always been in any state on one of the first places, and…


collecting coins
Collecting is a favorite human activity. We collect antiquities and art, technical values ​​and objects…


collecting coins
Collecting is a favorite human activity. We collect antiquities and art, technical values ​​and objects…
