3 coins of medieval England
A rather large role in collecting coins is played by the age of the coins…

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Recovery of monetary business in Russia
After a rather long period of coin-less commodity circulation, in 1380 under the Grand Duke…


Novice Guide
The most difficult thing in any business is to start. An experienced person does not…

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Numismatics. Railway is dedicated to ...
Coins for millennia are not only a means of payment, but also the subject of…

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nominal value

The largest mints of the USSR

With the emergence of the Soviet Union, or rather, with its unification of individual republics, a new problem emerged, which was where exactly it was necessary to mint coins, make memorable signs, and so on. However, soon a solution was found, and it was that the production of insignia, as well as metal money, would be distributed between the country’s largest mint yards – the St. Petersburg Mint, the Moscow Mint and the Kiev Mint.

St. Petersburg Mint was one of the largest mints, not only in the Soviet Union, but throughout the world. Not only coins were minted here, but also insignia, orders, badges, medals and so on were made. Continue reading

Peter I reform

Everyone knows that Peter the Great was a great reformer. Among his innovations, we can highlight the fact that he first came up with the idea to celebrate the New Year and set up a Christmas tree. By the way, if you need to make a corporate party for the New Year, then on the site dedmorozlab.ru there is an opportunity to place an order for Santa Claus. In addition, Peter I carried out a monetary reform, and quite successful.

As is known from historical facts, the monetary reform carried out in 1654 was not crowned with success, but only caused numerous popular unrest, which led to the “Copper Riot”. Continue reading

A set of jubilee coins dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812

Nothing can so please the present coin collector, as a new coin in its collection, and even better, if it will be a whole album of commemorative coins. However, if some large anniversaries are still far away, and some have already passed a long time ago, then it is probably worth remembering that this, 2012, is the two hundred year anniversary of such a great event as the Patriotic War of 1812.

Most firms and companies are constantly competing with each other, trying to sell coins. Which do not have any relation to the coins dedicated to this anniversary, and are what are called self-bred, which will be ashamed to even show to other collectors of coin collectors. Continue reading

The largest mints of the USSR
With the emergence of the Soviet Union, or rather, with its unification of individual republics,…


History of tokens
Tokens have a rather interesting story. They have at all times been used as support…


Ancient Egyptian Coins
Today, Egypt attracts with its beauty, the scorching orange sun and the red sea, not…
