Without coins
Starting from the 12th century, and then almost for almost three hundred years, there was…

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Recovery of monetary business in Russia
After a rather long period of coin-less commodity circulation, in 1380 under the Grand Duke…


Novice Guide
The most difficult thing in any business is to start. An experienced person does not…

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Coins of three eras and their manufacturing techniques
It happens that determining the place and specific time of minting coins of medieval Russia…

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can find many

Golden profile of Nicholas II. Last coins of the last king

The tradition of portrait gold and silver coins was renewed under Nicholas II. The last Russian emperor, the representative of the house of the Romanovs, was very beautiful. Undoubtedly, his noble profile was worthy of being imprinted on metal.

Under Nicholas II, all gold and silver coins again became portrait, in contrast to small money, which was intended for the lower strata of society. The hands of representatives of the noble class should not touch the royal profile. Continue reading

The history of coinage of antique coins

After the minting of the first coins was mastered, it is necessary to somehow simplify this rather complicated procedure. And the solution was soon found and put into practice. Approximately around the first century before the beginning of our era, the method of minting coins had the following form: a round billet, usually obtained by casting, was inserted between two sections of a stamp, with the lower part of the stamping device being stationary, and the upper part could be closed and opened. After the blank was nested, the upper part was closed, and it was hit with a hammer, as a result, the image from the stamp was transferred to the blank, and the coin acquired its true purpose, and from that time it was considered a real and valuable money sign. Continue reading

Coins of Alexander of Macedon

The great victories of Alexander the Great were nothing more than an era of transition in the ancient world. The coins perfectly demonstrated his rule, various campaigns, famous battles and battles, and also displayed in their images the intervals that occurred after these events.

In the thirties of the last century, on the Princes’ Islands, which are not so far from the place where the young, still twenty, Alexander the Great, made the crossing over the Hellespont, archaeologists discovered a treasure. Continue reading

History of tokens
Tokens have a rather interesting story. They have at all times been used as support…


Numismatic collection storage
The first problem that a numismatist faces when storing her collection is protection against thieves,…


Coins of Ivan the Terrible
A small miniature from the Russian annals of the 17th century depicts the process of…
