Medicine on coins and bons
Medicine has almost always been in any state on one of the first places, and…

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The ruble of Emperor Constantine I from the Romanov dynasty
The most important mystery of this coin is that there has never been such an…


Coins and art
When the state treasurer put his stamp on a small piece of metal, he cared…

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collecting coins
Collecting is a favorite human activity. We collect antiquities and art, technical values ​​and objects…

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Monthly Archives: January 2019

Coin Cabinet

Have you ever thought, respected coin collectors and just collectors, over where is the largest collection of coins in the world? Surely most of you imagined a world famous collector who has no less than a hundred thousand various coins. In fact, the largest collection of coins is collected in Berlin and is represented in the State Museum of Bode, in the numismatic room.

The numismatic room, or as it is also called, the coin room, has about five hundred thousand different coins in its collection, ranging from the history of antiquity to coins of modern times. Continue reading

Valuable coins of the era of Paul the First

Despite the fact that there is an enormous amount of coins all over the world, it is the coins of pre-revolutionary Russia that deserve a lot of attention, differing not only in the fact that almost all of them are preserved and have reached us in perfect condition, but also in the fact that each of these coins has its own story. Nevertheless, you should certainly pay attention to the coins of the epoch of Paul the First, which are distinguished, apart from their great diversity, also by great rarity.

One of the first coins, on which I would like to draw the attention of coin collectors and collectors, is a coin worth 1 ruble of the 1796 sample. Continue reading

3 coins of medieval England

A rather large role in collecting coins is played by the age of the coins themselves, and the older they are, the more valuable your collection will be. A typical example of this is English medieval coins, mostly made of silver and gold.
Particularly popular with coin collectors are the coins of England of the era of Henry VII, known as the golden sovereign (GoldenSovereign). Such a large demand for these coins is primarily due to the fact that they, besides being made of pure gold, also have a large mass – about 15 grams. Continue reading

Valuable coins of the era of Paul the First
Despite the fact that there is an enormous amount of coins all over the world,…


Penny saves the ruble
1535 is the birthday of a penny. Contributed to this mother of Ivan the Terrible,…


Coins of Queen Victoria and the dynasty of her court medalists
On January 2, 1901, at the turn of the two greatest in the history of…
