Medicine on coins and bons
Medicine has almost always been in any state on one of the first places, and…

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The first banknotes of the Northern Black Sea coast
In the early stages, after the settlement of settlements by Greek colonists in the Northern…


Coins of Alexander of Macedon
The great victories of Alexander the Great were nothing more than an era of transition…

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What is now in price on the numismatic market
The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially - old. Antique coins…

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respect among

collecting coins

Collecting is a favorite human activity. We collect antiquities and art, technical values ​​and objects of nature into a single collection. The desire for preservation and accumulation is inherent in the essence of progressive people. Search, unification and study of subject communities can give the collector a real pleasure and joy from the new find. In addition, there are collections that are not only of historical and cultural value, but also of real value.

The science of numismatics deals with the study of money circulation and coin minting, complementing the knowledge of economic relations between people in different periods of history. Continue reading

Features storage collections of coins and stamps

Among other types of collecting, collecting coins is among the most complex and costly. Initially, the collection begins with a small number of valuable items, which quickly increases over time. As a result, you will have to move them from place to place and look for more convenient methods of preserving the collection.

Of course, if you are a beginner coin collector, then you should be aware of some of the nuances of their proper storage. After all, money, like stamps, requires special attention. This approach is due to the fact that over time, coins in a wet environment can oxidize or plaque appears on them. Continue reading

Coin Cabinet

Have you ever thought, respected coin collectors and just collectors, over where is the largest collection of coins in the world? Surely most of you imagined a world famous collector who has no less than a hundred thousand various coins. In fact, the largest collection of coins is collected in Berlin and is represented in the State Museum of Bode, in the numismatic room.

The numismatic room, or as it is also called, the coin room, has about five hundred thousand different coins in its collection, ranging from the history of antiquity to coins of modern times. Continue reading

Ancient Egyptian Coins
Today, Egypt attracts with its beauty, the scorching orange sun and the red sea, not…


Coins of the island of Svalbard
A little story of a small place. Svalbard is a set of islands that are…


Monetary reform of 1654
In the 17th century, the epoch in monetary business ended, when absolutely any individual, which…
