Coins of Alexander of Macedon
The great victories of Alexander the Great were nothing more than an era of transition…

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Coins of the era of silver crisis
On the territory of the Muslim East, as well as in medieval Europe, coins were…


Recovery of monetary business in Russia
After a rather long period of coin-less commodity circulation, in 1380 under the Grand Duke…

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First counterfeiters
Since the very first metallic banknotes were born, the counterfeiters began their activities. They used…

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ordinary copper

History of gold coins

Gold coins at all times were considered something akin to God. People fought for the wealth and possession of countless gold coins in their treasury. Gold is the most precious metal, and gold coins are the most precious in human life.

In general, gold marked the beginning of the monetary system, as we now know about it. After all, before gold was used only as a material for the manufacture of any jewelry, when there was still a natural exchange. Then he went to the minting of coins. Continue reading

A set of jubilee coins dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812

Nothing can so please the present coin collector, as a new coin in its collection, and even better, if it will be a whole album of commemorative coins. However, if some large anniversaries are still far away, and some have already passed a long time ago, then it is probably worth remembering that this, 2012, is the two hundred year anniversary of such a great event as the Patriotic War of 1812.

Most firms and companies are constantly competing with each other, trying to sell coins. Which do not have any relation to the coins dedicated to this anniversary, and are what are called self-bred, which will be ashamed to even show to other collectors of coin collectors. Continue reading

Coin Cabinet

Have you ever thought, respected coin collectors and just collectors, over where is the largest collection of coins in the world? Surely most of you imagined a world famous collector who has no less than a hundred thousand various coins. In fact, the largest collection of coins is collected in Berlin and is represented in the State Museum of Bode, in the numismatic room.

The numismatic room, or as it is also called, the coin room, has about five hundred thousand different coins in its collection, ranging from the history of antiquity to coins of modern times. Continue reading

collecting coins
Collecting is a favorite human activity. We collect antiquities and art, technical values ​​and objects…


What is now in price on the numismatic market
The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially - old. Antique coins…


A set of jubilee coins dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812
Nothing can so please the present coin collector, as a new coin in its collection,…
