What is now in price on the numismatic market
The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially - old. Antique coins…

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This option is available in all states. Texas apostille
Coin collecting as a hobby
Modern collectors collect various items. Some collect stamps, others - coins, and there are those…


Value of the CBR coins
Numismatics is the meaning of life of a large number of people. The Bank of…

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The first banknotes of the Northern Black Sea coast
In the early stages, after the settlement of settlements by Greek colonists in the Northern…

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smaller bill

History of gold coins

Gold coins at all times were considered something akin to God. People fought for the wealth and possession of countless gold coins in their treasury. Gold is the most precious metal, and gold coins are the most precious in human life.

In general, gold marked the beginning of the monetary system, as we now know about it. After all, before gold was used only as a material for the manufacture of any jewelry, when there was still a natural exchange. Then he went to the minting of coins. Continue reading

Medicine on coins and bons

Medicine has almost always been in any state on one of the first places, and such a manifestation can be seen on many antiquities, for example, on the same coins or paper banknotes, which are still very, very young compared to the latter. Of course, medicine, which existed more than two thousand years ago, was significantly different from modern. After all, then there were still no hospitals or clinics, but the main specialties still exist, such as surgery, dentistry, and so on. Continue reading

Coins of Ivan the Terrible
A small miniature from the Russian annals of the 17th century depicts the process of…


Greco-Bactrian rulers and their coins
The history of the dynasty of the Greco-Bactrian empire, as recorded on the coins, of…


Coins of Queen Victoria and the dynasty of her court medalists
On January 2, 1901, at the turn of the two greatest in the history of…
