History of tokens
Tokens have a rather interesting story. They have at all times been used as support…

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Rare coins of Russia
ussia has gone through a long history of development, which is reflected in the coins.…


What is now in price on the numismatic market
The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially - old. Antique coins…

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Coins of the island of Svalbard
A little story of a small place. Svalbard is a set of islands that are…

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more valuable

Museum collections. On the threshold of a new time

The onset of the new era and the full-scale development of trade relations and entrepreneurship connected with this event demanded stable money that would not be so diverse in weight and trial.

Monarchs ruling in the 17th and 18th centuries also needed reliable money in order to pay mercenaries to armies, buy goods of luxury and wealth, and also conduct external trade relations, which began to gain new circulation. Continue reading

Coin cleaning rules

No matter what metal coins are made of, there are a number of general rules that must be observed when cleaning their surface from contamination.

In no case do not immediately dry-clean the coin. Their surface is usually not evenly polluted, and the reagent can react with the metal in areas where there is less dirt, while other areas will still need to be cleaned. Therefore, the mechanical cleaning of the coin is first applied.

To start this process will need water. Pay special attention to the fact that not all water is suitable for cleaning coins. Continue reading

Novice Guide

The most difficult thing in any business is to start. An experienced person does not ask such questions, he already knows everything and intuitively performs the necessary actions. From the most difficult to elementary. But for a beginner, just a titanic effort is to make even the easiest thing. And all this because of insecurity. The same thing happens in a hobby called numismatics.

What is numismatics? This is a collection of coins. Nothing more to say. It is clear that this is not a collection of coins in your wallet after putting on the subway, but a collection of ancient and valuable coins from different historical periods. Continue reading

Coin Cabinet
Have you ever thought, respected coin collectors and just collectors, over where is the largest…


Coin Cabinet
Have you ever thought, respected coin collectors and just collectors, over where is the largest…


Gold coin collecting
Since ancient times, gold coins are a unique collectible item. You can browse through many…
