Features storage collections of coins and stamps
Among other types of collecting, collecting coins is among the most complex and costly. Initially,…

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Recovery of monetary business in Russia
After a rather long period of coin-less commodity circulation, in 1380 under the Grand Duke…


The ruble of Emperor Constantine I from the Romanov dynasty
The most important mystery of this coin is that there has never been such an…

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The oldest coins of Russia
Trade relations in Ancient Russia emanated entirely from foreign coins, first East European, and then…

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collect albums

Value of the CBR coins

Numismatics is the meaning of life of a large number of people. The Bank of Russia is a kind of trendsetter in the field of coinage of modern numismatics. The coins depict all sorts of subjects. These are the cities of the Russian Federation, and any significant events, for example, the upcoming 2014 Olympic Games in the city of Sochi, great people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the country, its cultural and scientific life. It is also monuments of the architectural and construction heritage of the country, a variety of historical events. Since 1992, the bank has been producing commemorative coins from various precious metals. Naturally, in addition to their nominal price, the coins also have their own market price, which directly depends on the metal from which it is made, as well as the weight of the coin, the date of its release and, in addition, the circulation. Continue reading

Coins of the island of Svalbard

A little story of a small place. Svalbard is a set of islands that are located in the area of ​​the Arctic Ocean. In 1920, these islands joined Norway. At that time, Norway was referred to as the Kingdom of Norway. A little later, in 1932, the USSR were able to rent a number of islands. In particular, this concerned two villages – the Pyramid and Barentsburg. These villages were of interest to the Soviet Union, since there was a very large coal deposit there. And the infrastructure was built in the form of fairly modern mines.

Coal mining was entrusted to a state-owned company called Arktikugol. Recall that in the Soviet Union there were no private companies, only state-owned. Continue reading

From Pushkin to Gagarin

The once popular bimetallic commemorative 10-ruble coins are now fading into the background. For some reason, collectors have recently become more interested in commemorative coins made of non-precious metals.

One of the first commemorative coins was 1 ruble, issued by the Central Bank in 1999. The coin is dedicated to the memory of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, and was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of his birth. The obverse of a commemorative coin is no different from the usual ruble. Continue reading

Numismatics. Railway is dedicated to ...
Coins for millennia are not only a means of payment, but also the subject of…


What is now in price on the numismatic market
The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially - old. Antique coins…


Find your coin
Today, it is probably difficult to find a person on the planet who would not…
