Numismatics. Railway is dedicated to ...
Coins for millennia are not only a means of payment, but also the subject of…

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Coins of three eras and their manufacturing techniques
It happens that determining the place and specific time of minting coins of medieval Russia…


Coins of Queen Victoria and the dynasty of her court medalists
On January 2, 1901, at the turn of the two greatest in the history of…

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Medicine on coins and bons
Medicine has almost always been in any state on one of the first places, and…

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royal crowns

From Pushkin to Gagarin

The once popular bimetallic commemorative 10-ruble coins are now fading into the background. For some reason, collectors have recently become more interested in commemorative coins made of non-precious metals.

One of the first commemorative coins was 1 ruble, issued by the Central Bank in 1999. The coin is dedicated to the memory of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, and was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of his birth. The obverse of a commemorative coin is no different from the usual ruble. Continue reading

Peter I reform

Everyone knows that Peter the Great was a great reformer. Among his innovations, we can highlight the fact that he first came up with the idea to celebrate the New Year and set up a Christmas tree. By the way, if you need to make a corporate party for the New Year, then on the site there is an opportunity to place an order for Santa Claus. In addition, Peter I carried out a monetary reform, and quite successful.

As is known from historical facts, the monetary reform carried out in 1654 was not crowned with success, but only caused numerous popular unrest, which led to the “Copper Riot”. Continue reading

Coin Cabinet

Have you ever thought, respected coin collectors and just collectors, over where is the largest collection of coins in the world? Surely most of you imagined a world famous collector who has no less than a hundred thousand various coins. In fact, the largest collection of coins is collected in Berlin and is represented in the State Museum of Bode, in the numismatic room.

The numismatic room, or as it is also called, the coin room, has about five hundred thousand different coins in its collection, ranging from the history of antiquity to coins of modern times. Continue reading

From Pushkin to Gagarin
The once popular bimetallic commemorative 10-ruble coins are now fading into the background. For some…


Coins of Ivan the Terrible
A small miniature from the Russian annals of the 17th century depicts the process of…


Coins of the USSR and Russia
Numismatics (a hobby for collecting coins) is considered one of the most popular hobbies in…
