What is the damage of coins
In the 10th century, Count Baldwin, in order to develop a monetary business, as well…

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A set of jubilee coins dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812
Nothing can so please the present coin collector, as a new coin in its collection,…


Golden profile of Nicholas II. Last coins of the last king
The tradition of portrait gold and silver coins was renewed under Nicholas II. The last…

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Penny saves the ruble
1535 is the birthday of a penny. Contributed to this mother of Ivan the Terrible,…

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pressure from his brother

The ruble of Emperor Constantine I from the Romanov dynasty

The most important mystery of this coin is that there has never been such an emperor like Constantine I, but there was a ruble of Constantine I! Not a single rare coin of that period is so popular with historians. She devoted a lot of handwritten works.

Grand Duke Constantine divorced Anna Feodorovna, his wife, after which he was married to Countess Grudzinskaya. Everyone thought that this marriage of the prince was unequal, and therefore he was accepted as “unacceptable”. Continue reading

Coins of the Ottoman Empire
One of the most mysterious and unknown countries today is Turkey. The first mention of…


Golden profile of Nicholas II. Last coins of the last king
The tradition of portrait gold and silver coins was renewed under Nicholas II. The last…


Museum collections. On the threshold of a new time
The onset of the new era and the full-scale development of trade relations and entrepreneurship…
